I'm not in the mental state to care about punctuation, either.
Does it scare you? Does it make you uncomfortable to think that I might expose myself like some half-whacked streaker at a ball game that the police drags off in handcuffs? Are you thinking, Oh Geezus, why doesn't she just stick to her amusing little anecdotes about her travels? I'm scared you are thinking that, which is all part of what goes into an episode. Rational thought is a poot in the wind, as Pop used to say, and so you see I'm not so out of it that I can't remember the roots of my crude humor. I'm hesitant to leave that sentence in there. I should probably erase it. Oh, just fuck it. You might think I'm joking about the seriousness of this travelogue. It's raw. It's real time. It's going to throw me at the feet of vulnerability. You might think I'm faking it. You might think I just want attention. You might think I'm just feeling sorry for myself. You might think this isn't fun to read. You might think this is a bunch of rambling bullshit that isn't worth your time and you might think I can't write worth a shit and none of what I am saying has any point or purpose and you are so bored with it you are going to stop reading and then say to somebody how terrible this travelogue was in comparison to all the others and it doesn't fit in and it's not funny, and for the record, all my existence at this moment hinges on your opinion. Irrational. Real. Very real. Edgar Allan Poe suck-you-in real. And yes, I'm doubting that spelling of Poe's middle name, but you can look it up and correct me if you want to. It doesn't mean that much to me. What I care about at this moment is making the churning drone in my head stop and not feeling crazed and manic and volatile and like nothing matters, but everything could hurt me deeply, even though it doesn't matter anyway. Irrational.
Don't you think I KNOW that it doesn't matter what you think? I KNOW that your thoughts only affect me if I allow them to. I KNOW that you don't have to read this; you can stop at any time. Hell, you can never read another word I write and I KNOW it means nothing, but I don't believe it. I believe I am responsible for whatever response you have to reading my raw truth as it flows from me and if your response is negative that means I have caused harm and that is not OK. I KNOW that whatever your response to this travelogue, it will not be cause for any of you to stop loving me. I KNOW that. You,
Debbie, Forest, Pam H, Jodi G., Joe W., Laura A., OD, Ricky, Rose, Roxanne, Pame S., Zana, Gwynne, Alenne, Alina, Carmen,
Christine C. Christine M., Johnny, John C. Lola, Lynn F., Maruja, Pam F.,
Spike, Stacy, Susan M., Alex S, Clinton, Craig,
David L., Dru, Jan H., Laura S., Lori S., Monica, Lydia, Brian M., Cesar,
Denise, Gosia, Marta-Petra, Mary Beth, Miriam, Nancy H., Onia, Ron L., Ronnie
L, Sally, Teresa W., Tom C., Ulises, Judy C., Carlota, Carolan, Courtney, Dani, Dottie,
Judy, Karen, Michelle, Lisa M., Marcelo, Tim S., Penny, Petra V., Sandra B. Lynne P, Sherri R., Tita, Elaine D, Susana R, Chandler and Krystyna
love me. There, I named you all. If your name isn't in there it's because I don't think you read these. Doesn't matter. Point is, I KNOW you love me. But I can't access the knowing or the feeling. It's on the other side of the glass.
I'm very scared to tell you that the real reason I am writing this is yesterday I was feeling so panicked that all the crazy, racing thoughts in my head were going to reach such a high velocity of warp speed that centrifugal force would suck me right over to the other side where the homeless people who talk to themselves dwell and I wouldn't be able to get back to this side and somebody would take me to a psych hospital and I was so afraid of that happening that before it did, I sent a text to someone and said, "I need to stay connected. I need to ground to someone who believes I will get through this, someone who is not going to judge me and knows how to handle it if I get irrational. I just need to stay connected until the doctor calls me back and tells me what to do to make all this stop. I need to stay connected until this passes and it will pass, it always has. I will get through this. I keep writing that over and over in my diary to keep my mind focused on something that might be helpful." I sent it and felt so guilty and ashamed that I crawled under a pillow. And she sent back a link to this "The Voices in My Head" video:
which had this "Lessons From the Mental Hospital" link beside it:
which I clicked on.
And I watched them both over and over and over and a feeling of invincibility took me and I thought, rationally, that if I do what they did--tell their real story, past and present, without shame--I can be like they are and the craziness will stop, at least for a little while. G1 said damn they must feel so empowered and then started writing and not long after G2 took back over and ripped all the beliefs and courage it would take to make that happen right out of G1's hands. It's five days later and I'm so desperate that I'll try anything to make it stop.Writing this is anything. Publishing it will be everything.
This is what it is to be me: Cruise along for months collecting experiences with the abandon and joy of a little girl plucking daisies to make her mother a bouquet. Craft a travelogue like 39: "Open and Courageous in Cuba! Living the Values!" written on the wings of a deep knowing that my highest self is engaged in passion and purpose, that I am helping people just by doing what I love and sharing my humor through my writing sustains that. And then, out of the blue, but not really, it creeps up on me; one day I feel a tad "off" and the next day a little more, and the next even more off until off grows so enormous IT overcomes me. Believing in anything except what IT tells me is impossible. I stop believing in a higher power, in my abilities, in truth, in knowing, in the sincerity of others, in possibilities, that I have any purpose, that life has any meaning, that joy exists, that there is anything beyond how I feel, that I have any control over what is happening to me and so on with a plethora of despair.
Faith turns as fragile as a powdery moth wing on a window sill. I try to pick it up and it crumbles to dust between my fingers.
All the while, I keep masking up and showing up--making myself get out of bed, making myself say 'good morning', making myself keep social engagements, making myself act like none of what is going on inside me is really happening. And then I start doubting that it really is going on, because afterall, I did get up...I did go out, and G2 makes G1 feel like a drama queen whiner and gives her a good bashing for being so pitiful. And G1 takes it, until she can't anymore, and asks for help.
That's what it's like to be me, between the travelogues.
So, I'm going to send this just to show god, or the universe or whateveryouwannacallit, who I told to fuck off 5 days ago, because I am sick of this and mad that it has happened AGAIN, that I am doing my part. So, I'm going to send it and then either go crawl under a pillow, or not, and wait until G1 returns to tell you what's new and next. She will. She always does.
That made me feel just a little more understood Gigi. I don't even do the social thing when I feel like that. I just hide. Great writing and a great help to me it was. Huge hug
Wow!!!!!! GOODONYA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The courage to go to that depth is more than remarkable. That is GI even if she is feeling like G2. I don’t know the dynamics of responding directly to your blog, yet I would post this to the world, that what you have just done will now allow not only you to truly feel the honesty of honesty, but all those (and we all do from time to time) that just feel so separated from anything or anyone -- A desperate, dark place that is at times so dark, hopeless, lonely and beyond fear, that the desperation can lead to unimaginable despair and grasping for someone, something to throw out the life-preserver.
I feel your travelogue 41 is a life preserver to many. Love you, my friend, Chandler
Hey just watched the 1st video Eleanor longden. Wow powerful. Perhaps I don't hear voices but just my voice telling me how horrible I am and flashes of all the "stupid" things I've done and can't let them go. Crawling out is faster now than 10 years ago but so hard to like myself I get the crawl under and hide. I use to literally crawl under my night stand and loose myself. Just sharing more than ever and if u want maudalin I'll write more so the empathy can encompass 😳😘
Hang in there my friend. You are amazing. I admire your sense of adventure. You are so much braver than I. Your writing is awesome as always. We all have our moments where we think we are going to lose our minds. I myself thought I would have an emotional break down the past two weeks. It wasn't even anything of the crisis sort but was pretty sure I was going to have a total melt down. Things are better and I have a new outlook. You will just fine! I have faith in you.
We tried commenting on your post but it kept failing. Replying to your email instead.
Anything we say seems wrong or small compared to everything you said. We love you. We believe in you. - Clint & Brian
Hi Gigi, we love you and are thinking about you. I know that you love your friends,and that
they are dear to you as they love and care for you. Life is an experience, nothing more, nothing
less. Sometimes though things can seem dark, but if we pause a bit, light shines through. You
are not alone, always remember that. You are so talented, and I admire you.
I've tried twice to leave a comment on your site, however, it doesn't seem to let me...
Here's what I wrote for this latest posting:
I am proud of you for writing so openly and raw.
I know that's hard...scary.
Love. It's the one thing that keeps us going. It's the one thing.
Love for ourselves. Love for each other. Love for what we do.
Love that ignites our passion within, which is often the lifeline that moves us forward.
So, write.
Write on.
Write on, girl.
I believe in you.
Dammit. I posted a comment and hit "publish" and- unless you see it- it disappeared.... Kinda like how I felt when I felt as you do now. Let me know if you see my comment.
You are not alone. This too passes.... But not soon enough...
Gigi, I am grateful that you have so courageously shared this. I am shocked at all of the negative self talk and fears that you have anticipated from sharing this struggle with your inner self(selves!). You are questioning your writing , your spelling, your word choice, your sanity, your relevance, and most of all, the loyalty of your readers. Certainly most people want to be entertained and you are so skilled at providing that, that entertainment is what they have come to expect from you. But that does not mean that you have to be a one-dimensional writer who does not share her inner demons and personal struggles.
The vivacity of your struggle as written is compelling. I want to come right to you and hold you to calm your inner torture so that your rational chipper self can get the upper hand again!
Everyone deals with these debilitating self doubts to some degree and everyone is immobilized by them at some juncture; it is the human condition. But only you truly can know how severe
your suffering is today and if it warrants medical intervention.
We do love you and appreciate all the joy you bring to our lives. But we do not only love you when you are joyful and providing us that service.
Hugs from afar,
Oh, Gigi. I DO love you. I'm in the middle of a personal crisis of faith at the moment, and you might not believe me at all, but I do love you. And *I* know this will pass. I don't have more for you because I barely have enough for me, but I'm still here - and so are you, and so you will be. HUGS
I love you....L
~"Cruise along for months collecting experiences with the abandon and joy of a little girl plucking daisies to make her mother a bouquet...
~" on the wings of a deep knowing that my highest self is engaged in passion and purpose, that I am helping people just by doing what I love and sharing my humor through my writing sustains that.
These two poetic phrases/enlightenments you have shared allow me to be grateful to the purpose of your gifts; the gift of your written voice as you sing. You "sing" with many voices of many experiences that many can relate to, in a way/form that many are not as gifted to express...as you are gifted with your words. You are the voice of many but that voice is yours. It is relatable , yet, authentic, beautiful and unique. I love to hear of your adventures and experiences and that voice of yours gifts me with laughter. I thank you for that everytime I anxiously read your travelogues.
I enjoy your love "songs" as well as your funny-crazy antics songs.Even when you sing of despair, you sing with a cathartic voice that heals not only others but yourself, through this "knowing." In essence you are expressing the gift you have been blessed with while serving your purpose to express that gift.
You are an artist with many gifts and blessings.
I am thankful and grateful that you have shared these gifts with me. Sing to your hearts content.....
Just keep singing sista.....
~Monica B.
~"Cruise along for months collecting experiences with the abandon and joy of a little girl plucking daisies to make her mother a bouquet...
~" on the wings of a deep knowing that my highest self is engaged in passion and purpose, that I am helping people just by doing what I love and sharing my humor through my writing sustains that.
These two poetic phrases/enlightenments you have shared allow me to be grateful to the purpose of your gifts; the gift of your written voice as you sing. You sing about many experiences that many can relate to in a way/form that many are not gifted as you in expressing those experiences.. Your gift is your voice and your purpose are the poetic words you craft so beautifully together. You are the voice of many but that voice is Gigi''s. It is relatable , yet, authentic, beautiful and unique. I always love to hear of your adventures and experiences and that voice of yours gifts me with laughter. I thank you for that everytime I anxiously read your travelogues.
I enjoy your love "songs" as well as your funny-crazy antics songs.Even when you sing of despair, you sing with a cathartic voice that heals not only others but yourself through this "knowing." In essence you are expressing the gift you have been blessed with while serving your purpose to express that gift.
You are an artist with many gifts and blessings.
I am thankful and grateful that you have shared these gifts with me. Sing to your hearts content.....sad songs, fun songs, honky-tonk songs...whatever "genre" of emotion that feels like coming out.
Just keep on singing sista.....
~Monica B.
A deep, deep thank you for sharing who you are in this moment, and through these moments. So many men and women all over the world are imprisoned within themselves, absent of others to receive them fully, listen and respect their Journey. May each of these people find a way to your blog and your continuing posts to know that it is possible to meet oneself no matter what and be loved all the way through it. Yes, Chandler and I love you, no matter what. Thank you for naming us on your long, long list of precious ones in your life. You are loved by many and you love many.
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